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The All-You-Need Full-Body Workout When Short On Time Or Traveling (Beginner Level)

This routine is an effective full-body bodyweight workout, does not require any equipment and can be done anywhere. It is ideal when you are short on time, traveling or your gym is closed.


For each exercise it is important to:

  1. focus on a controlled (eccentric) movement,
  2. activate the core muscles and
  3. perform the exercise through the full range of motion.

Repetitions: Form first

Initially it is all about learning to perform the exercise correctly, the number of repetitions is secondary. With a good technique strength and muscles can be built much easier and in a more sustainable way. Therefore: Do as many reps as possible (AMRAP) with good form (see points 1-3 above) – but also not less! To learn the proper form more effectively watch yourself in a mirror or have someone else watching you.

If you can perform >=30 reps with good form for all sets of one exercise, you are ready to proceed to a more challenging exercise in the next workout.


A successful progression means that you either increase the number of repetitions, the time under tension (how long takes to perform your set) or the resistance (increased weight or more difficult exercise) each workout – provided that recovery and nutrition are adequate.

Log the number of reps of each set for each exercise. By this means you verify that you indeed progress each workout and ensure the effectiveness of your training regime.


Ideally you work each muscle group 2-3 times a week. Ensure that there is a minimum of 2 rest days between training the same muscle group.


  1. Warm Up: 50 Jumping Jacks (Video)
  2. Exercise A1: Incline Push Up (Video, e.g. versus wall or table)
    • Sets: 4
    • Rep target: AMRAP with good form, up to a max of 30.
    • Rest: 60 sec
    • Difficulty: The lower the arms the more difficult the exercise.
    • Full range of motion: Full arm extension and subsequently chest to wall.
  3. Exercise A2: Row Standing (Video, e.g. with both hands holding to the door handle or a handrail)
    • Sets: 4
    • Rep target: AMRAP with good form, up to a max of 30.
    • Rest: 60 sec
    • Difficulty: The lower the arms and the further the legs in front of the torso the more difficult the exercise.
    • Full range of motion: Full arm extension and subsequently chest to wall/door
  4. Exercise B1: Squat with hands above head – paused at bottom (Video)
    • Sets: 4
    • Rep target: AMRAP with good form, up to a max of 30.
    • Rest: 60 sec
    • Full range of motion: Full leg extension and subsequently squat as low as possible. It is important that knees stay in line with toes on one axis.
  5. Exercise B2: Bridge, paused at peak position (Video)
    • Sets: 4
    • Rep target: AMRAP with good form, up to a max of 30.
    • Rest: 60 sec
    • Full range of motion: Extend back till pelvis is inline with thighs while activating the glutes, subsequently lower to the floor without touching it.


Exercises A1/A2 and B1/B2 are done alternating. A1/A2 as an example:

  1. 1 set of Push Ups for up to 30 reps,
  2. 60 sec rest,
  3. 1 set Row Standing for up to 30 reps,
  4. 60 sec rest.
  5. Repeat step 1-4 for 3 more times.

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