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End the Search – Actualize Your Self

Join Our 4-Day Workshop to Master Intuition, Creativity, and Manifestation – and Lead a Life You Love

What It Is About:

The ‘Art of Creating 1’ is a deep dive into the foundation of intuition, creativity, and manifestation.

This 4-day workshop guides you to your authentic self and enables you to free yourself from self-limiting patterns and perceptions and to create a life with joy, purpose and direction.

Why It Matters:​

Are you unfulfilled despite significant personal and professional achievements?

Have you explored various personal development and spiritual paths, finding them helpful but not quite ‘it’?

Do you feel somewhat alienated from our superficial society, and yearn for genuine truth and an authentic life?

Do you feel a subtle yet persistent longing that there must be more to life than you’re currently aware of? And while you can’t quite pinpoint exactly what it is, deep down you know that the answer is not in more external solutions?

If that resonates or you’re simply curious to actualize who you truly are, this workshop is for you. 

Embark on a journey of true transformation without self-manipulation, relentless hard work, or fixing yourself.

You’ll Leave The Workshop Able To:

  • Have certainty about what you want and who you are.
  • Experience deeper meaning and connectedness in your life.
  • Enjoy authentic relationships with yourself and others.
  • Feel unconditional love and appreciation for yourself and others.
  • Express yourself freely and authentically.
  • Experience life’s miracles in a tangible way.
  • Trust yourself by living attuned to your inner guidance.
  • Tap into your creative insights anytime for innovative solutions.
  • Access your natural ability to succeed in life.
  • Have a vibrant vision for your life of what you genuinely love.

And Will Know Exactly How To:

  • Live a life that is truly meaningful.
  • Be guided by your deepest aspirations and values.
  • Successfully create what you want.
  • Deal with conflict functionally.
  • Make decisions effectively and true to yourself..
  • Respond to life with ease and presence.
  • Recognize your inherent wholeness and true nature.
  • Connect empathetically to make others feel seen and understood.
  • Access your innocent awareness to playfully experience life.
  • Focus on essential activities and have more free time for what matters.

How It Works:

This workshop goes beyond intellectual understanding and focuses on practical, experiential learning. Together, we will explore life’s most important questions and dispel myths such as fixing and improving yourself. Free from spiritual or religious dogma, you will uncover the only truly fulfilling paradigm: You.

Through key principles, group exercises, and shared reflections, you will deeply experience who you are. And realize your natural ability to successful create and live a life you truly love.

You will take home practical tools and effective techniques to transform all areas of your lifefrom relationships and health to work and passions.

Read What Our Graduates Say:

This workshop is time-tested and has transformed the lives of over 100 participants:


“Simon has an amazing ability to lead into the most skewed areas in life. If you are willing to unleash your inner genius which we all have, I highly recommend investing in your own growth with Simon.”


“The application of the tools Simon provided became the guidebook to deepen relationships, mindfully parent, become a more impactful leader and realize my goals with greater ease & authenticity.


“Simon brings so much value. I’d recommend Simon’s workshop to anyone on the path of self discovery. He will help you to open your mind and heart and rediscover the genius that is already within you.“


“Enormous thanks for the Art of Creating. It was one of those defining moments in my life I’ll for always cherish and can’t thank you enough. It helped me to connect with my own intuition on a deeper level and that’s really special for me.”

Ronald Feierabend


“I’ve heard some of the things you share. But never before has anyone connected and related them as powerfully as you do. With every fibre it is perceivable that you speak from experience and have lived through everything yourself – without ever giving the hint that this is the only way.”

Michael Algren


“I gained a great deal of insights into the creative process. It was also incredibly helpful to go through the exercises broken up into groups and share our experiences with one another. The program was such an amazing experience I have continued my journey with Simon in a one-on-one coaching capacity.”

Self Awareness in Days, not Decades

Neutralise limiting beliefs

Break destructive patterns that prevent you from living life on your terms.

Master manifestation

Learn the proven way to achieve success naturally, from authentic relationships to professional accomplishments.

Tap into unlimited possibility

Access a state of genius insight by focusing your mind at a causal level.

Rewire your brain

Radically change your mindset to step into a position of creative and mental power.

Transform stress and overwhelm

Create a vision and learn how to align your daily actions to reach your desired outcome.​

Harness lasting momentum

Discover how you can continue to transcend the boundaries of success in every area of life.

Join us at ‘The Art of Creating 1’ workshop and take the next step towards creating a life you love!

Date: 4 Days – Sep 14/15th and 21/22nd 2024

  • Each Day from 1-8 pm CET (7 am-2 pm EST)

Place: Online

Price: 1’300 CHF

Day 1

Intuition & Creativity

Understand how your perception works and discover your creative and intuitive abilities.

Day 2

Practical Application

Engage in group exercises to apply your learning, receive feedback, and deepen insights.

Day 3

Mechanics of Creating

Understand the mechanics of the creative process and how to create what you love.

Day 4

Practical Application

Engage in group exercises to apply your learning, receive feedback, and deepen insights.

Why It Works:

The principles we will explore and apply are time-tested, facilitating self-realisation and creative empowerment for millennia. They underpin the most successful process in human history: the creative process. All great creations, inventions, and realisations stem from it. Personally, finding and applying these principles has changed the trajectory of my life in the most beautiful way – from being shy, depressed, and an arrogant arse to finding my soul again and now living a life true to myself. Additionally, over 100 graduates have completed this training with overwhelmingly positive feedback. Now, the opportunity is yours!


“I have done personal development before, this goes a layer deeper for me. It will help you see more clearly what is both driving and impacting your life.”


“Simon’s workshop has changed the way I experience the world, myself and others, in a very positive way. Among many things, I experimented with how my beliefs create my reality as long as I focus on them. This has opened the door to new possibilities!”


“It was surprisingly profound experience to say at least, now one month after graduation I see how my focus and attention is much more aligned with what truly feels important. Simon has excellent way of bringing this complex information to simple form and with the exercises, learning did come to form during the session.”

Angelika v. Alten


“We discovered not only our creative potential, but also how our perception “works” and how we bring our heart’s desires into our lives. Simon succeeds in an ingenious way to address feeling, heart and mind. I recommend this “journey” from the bottom of my heart.”

Kathrin Backhaus


“A completely different and exciting look at yourself from an angle that I had never seen before. Powerful and impressive, everyone could experience what a genius they can become and already are!!!”

Sebastian Wolf


“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the seminar! It’s hard to put into words what it did to me. That’s why I’d like to share the feeling that really got me. GRATITUDE.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is for you if you are curious, open-minded, and eager to: learn more about yourself, take responsibility for your life and mature emotionally, actively change your circumstances, actualize your creative potential, and explore the nature of consciousness.

As this is an immersive live training you need to be present in all sessions and have an activated camera and microphone.

The full curriculum of ‘The Art of Creating’ comprises 5 workshops, each with in-depth training themes that progressively build towards creative mastery and self-realization. The first workshop ‘The Art of Creating 1’ provides a solid, stand-alone foundation for developing your potential. The subsequent workshops are designed for participants who want to delve deeper.

Get Your Ticket Now And Secure Your Spot

And create the life you love.

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