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Self Discovery & Creative Empowerment

I am very excited to support you in your journey of becoming who you truly are.

My services are based on the Fundamental Principles of Creative Development & Self Discovery to re-orientate you to what is true. So that you can wake up from fear, conditioning, reactivity, norms, expectations and create the life that is truly meaningful to you.

I do offer:

  • 1:1 Individual Guidance
  • Immersive Creative Empowerment Training
  • Professional Training workshops tailor made for your organisation
  • Immersive Retreats & Journeys

Individual Guidance

With this offering I support you individually on your journey to become who you truly are.

Structural Consulting teaser image: Man on the river.

Structural Consulting

Structural Consulting is not therapy. It is an exploration of the underlying structures in your life that produce your predictable patterns of behavior. 

Structural Consulting teaser image: Cropped hand with compass

Transformational Coaching

This is not another ‘program’ or about fixing a problem within a box of understanding. It is about switching gears and stepping out of limiting ‘boxes’.

Intuitive Reading

Know thyself. Because the truth sets free. That’s what this insightful 30 min intuitive reading is about: Uncover your forces at play.

Immersive Creative Empowerment Training

This offering consists of the 3 elements – workshops, group training & coaching – which synergistically complement each other:

  • Curriculum of 5 workshops in ‘The Art of Creating’: Information, content and immersion
  • Group Training: Understanding, integration and community.
  • 1:1 Coaching: Individual and laser focused support in unfolding your potential.

Professional Training Workshops

The directive authoritarian model to leadership and motivating organisations through conflict manipulation, problem obsession or competition is dead. 


It is not only restrictive and a waste of energy, but also far away from what we love and what we are able to create together – if we step beyond personal agendas.

The common denominator of my workshops: To reconnect your team with their inherent creative abilities and inspire & empower them to create what they love. And bring – together as a cohesive team – the organisations true vision to life!

Immersive Retreats & Journeys

Our immersive retreats & journeys are all about reconnecting with your true being and awakening to the beauty and wonder of life. In community with a like-minded group of human beings we are discovering our interconnectedness in beautiful places, with nature and through interactions with local & indigenous communities as well as heart opening exchange among each other and intuitive practices.

Let’s schedule a free 30 min ‘Discovery Call’ today!

The Key to Your Self

The only newsletter
you need to accelerate your creative empowerment.