Workshop: ‘Wo/Man vs Persona’ – Freedom & Free Will in 3D?!

Since 2020, I spent a lot of time studying Natural Law and the ‘Wo/Man vs. Person’ topic, which is to me:
- really the most foundational ‘misconception’: as persona (which we implicitly & unknowingly consent to e.g. through using ids) we don’t have (human) rights and full ownership of our property (only privileges & duties),
- but also the lawful & legal route to freedom: Because, if we reclaim to be a wo/man we are above the government (public servants), while as a person we are below (authority).
The whole system seems to actually be working “well” based on our consent. Time to change that, if that’s what we want.
What this workshop is:
This workshop is about the foundations of Natural Law / Rights and Law (Reality – Wo/Man) vs. Legal (Fiction – Persona / Title) in order to (re)claim our powers & rights as wo/man = powerful creative beings!
It is NOT about a 2h ‘quickfix’ or fighting something or breaking law. But about understanding better the mechanics governing this reality and sharing a roadmap for a lawful & legal way to freedom. To mentally & emotionally detach from the ‘system’ and step by step reclaim our energy & essence!
In a nutshell it’s to move from the right to the left:
Note: I don’t have all the answers (yet) & it is definitely NOT legal advice but a spiritual, philosophical & psychological knowledge share!
This series of workshops has the intention to educate you about:
- Where you can go (Destination): Get you an understanding of what Freedom is & what your rights are!
- Where (who) you are right now: The jurisdictions at your capacity (‘levels of the game’)
- How to get there: The ‘rules’ of the game
In brief it is about:
The inherent mechanisms of our reality
How & why they imply a Free Will
How & why the ‘system’ is based on voluntariness
How the expression of Free Will works in this ‘game’ of duality
To understand this alone can be very liberating! Since ultimately everything is energy / consciousness, one can also ‘define’ this free will energetically from my point of view & experience, and thus detach oneself piece by piece from the ‘system’ – one no longer goes into resonance. (Instead / in addition, one can of course also become physically active).
Theme Part I (ca. 2-3h)
- What’s Freedom & do we have Free Will?
- Freedom vs. (Mind) Control
- How to regain Free Will
- TRIVIUM: How to discover truth beyond belief!
- Jurisdiction of Law: Spiritual Law, Natural Law, Commercial Law
- Natural Law: ‘7 Hermetic Principles’
- Freedom vs. Control: The Scale of Consciousness
- Morality: Difference between right & wrong
- Natural Law Transgressions: What is harm & wrong?
- Self Defence / Force vs. Aggression / Violence
Theme Part II (ca. 2-3h)
- Natural Law vs. Man’s Law or the Legal System
- Lawful vs. Legal (Taxation, Prohibition, Licenses & Permits)
- The illusion of ‘authority’
- Natural Law reflection in Man’s Law
- The 3rd Jurisdiction: Commercial Law
- The Anatomy of Agreements
- How we unknowingly consent to offers
- How to withdraw consent to offers being made
Teme Part III (ca. 2-3h)
- The history & legal framework of Wo/Man vs. Persona
- The 2 languages: How you speak defines who (Wo/Man vs. Persona) you are
- Egregores: How our energy is used & what to do about it
- How to set boundaries & express Free Will
- Reclaiming your energy & essence
Next event: Tbd. (Drop me a message, and I’ll inform you as soon as the next dates are scheduled.)
Location: Online via Zoom
100% donation based. I would like to test a new way: The one of self-responsibility & voluntariness – without pressure, manipulation or obligation – because we are free! After the seminar you can donate what it was worth to you or what you can afford (comfortably) (we all have different life situations). The price should NOT be a filter for this seminar, so everyone who is honestly interested can participate. 1 Euro from someone who has nothing is just as much worth to me as any other amount that comes sincerely from the heart! So I have the opportunity to receive an honest & individual compensation for the effort & work that went into this.
Who is it for
Every open and curious wo/man, who is interested in exploring reality beyond what they are currently aware of and discover their full potential.
Drop me a line if you are interested, and I’ll inform you as soon as the next workshop is scheduled!