Digital Decision Making
Who doesn’t know that situation: You are supposed to make a decision, but are simply overwhelmed. And instead of actually making a decision, you ruminate and think it through, over and over again. Robert Fritz has a magnificent framework for making you aware of what you want and value. And once you know that, […]
Frames – in Structural Thinking
Structure A structure consists of different elements with a relationship to each other. Structural Tension Structural Tension is created by the difference between 2 elements: Outcome: The difference between the 2 points creates a tension which resolves towards the end result, because tension always seeks resolution. It’s pure physics. Structural Conflict Structural conflict emerges […]
The Structural Tension Master chart for your Vision
This is a follow on article to Structural Consulting for Organisations. Basics of Structural Consulting OUTCOME OF STRUCTURAL CONSULTING A tension seeking resolution structure that will resolve for your purpose. Based on the principle of divide and think. 1) Defining the End Result (Outcome) Questions to clarify the Outcome (End Result / Vision): Result: A […]