
The two hour Structural Consulting session I had with Simon was a game changer for me. It wasn’t like any other coaching I’ve experienced. I kept waiting for him to take me through a process. Instead, he kept asking me questions so that we both got more and more clear about what I want and my experience of what is actually going on within me and in my life. I found being questionioned uncomfortable because I could hear as I answered his questions how confused and conflicted I was. I began to feel silly but Simon never made me feel bad. In fact quite the opposite; because he kept delving to ascertain the structure, I felt really grateful for his focus and time. It felt like we were unravelling a ball with many pieces of string and as we did a picture began to emerge which made sense to me and explained many things. So I feel freer to be me and everyone else is free to be themselves. Thank you so much.

Kathleen H.

I had a structural consultation session with Simon in January this year and the power of knowing and acknowledging the truth from that session is still having ripple effects for me. Simon created such a supportive and non-judgemental space for my truth to arise and the easeful way he asked questions and clarified what I was replying with really allowed me to open and acknowledge an aspect of my own consciousness that I had completely made up and that had been holding me back since childhood.

Without going into details of it all, this session allowed me to see that I had created a very limited and constricted approach to relationships, which was affecting my business and my personal life. Through this session, Simon guided me to the realisation that though the situations I was speaking about did actually happen, what I had made them mean about me and others had no basis in reality. I was guided back to the truth that I am free to be me and that others are free to be them. The structure I was living in and defining my life by has no basis in reality. And now this structure is crumbling as I redefine relationships and my relationship to them.

Thank you Simon for such a transformative session, I didn’t know on the day the ripples it would have… and it has taken some time for me to see how things are moving. I am so grateful that you are sharing this work with the world.

Joanne b.

I found it a very empowering session and the way you patiently went through the many layers of my issue, never making suggestions, judging it or trying to fix it but instead just summarising my process and feeding that back to me, bit by bit, enabled me to join the dots. When you were testing me by reminding me of my free choice I hadn’t crossed the belief liberation bridge, but with more summaries eventually I did and couldn’t believe what I’d unconsciously been buying into. At the end when you explained how I’d been oscillating that too made so much sense and it felt so good to let go of a hindrance that was leaving me very vulnerable to narcissists. In fact, I’d go as far as to say, it had had me attracting them! This is a huge advancement for me – progress towards an important choice I’ve been making. Thanks a million Simon

Marie J.

During the “The Art of Creating 1” I gained a great deal of insights into the creative process. I learned about the various limiting beliefs which can sabotage the journey before the goal is met. It was also incredibly helpful to go through the exercises broken up into groups of two or three and come back together and share our experiences with one another. I appreciated Simon’s patience and clarity in explaining each sections we entered into. The program was such an amazing experience I have continued my journey with Simon in a one-on-one coaching capacity. I look forward to diving in deeper to create the life I envision!

Michael A.

I completed the Structural Creating workshop with Simon and it was a beautiful and enriching experience. Simon is an incredible human being. He brings so much value to everyone who is lucky to cross his path. Not only is he professional and knows his stuff but he is also loving, compassionate and fun to be around. I’d recommend Simons workshop to anyone on the path of self discovery. Simon will help you to open your mind and heart and rediscover the genius that is already within you. Thank you Simon for your loving guidance and knowledge.

Diana D.

Structural Consulting

We uncovered the conscious and especially the unconscious patterns to my chosen theme / vision. You asked me specific questions and reflected on my statements again and again, so that I could recognise and perceive my dysfunctional patterns and beliefs, and you also gave me enough time for this. I felt very clearly that through recognising and perceiving my patterns, they felt much lighter and in part even almost like neutral. This was a new experience for me and the realisation that when the unconscious becomes conscious, it loses its “effect”. You pointed out my concepts and reality to me to be able to perceive the difference. You always had the “red thread” in mind and our conversation was so wonderfully rounded off at the end – really coherent for me.


Simon’s brilliance is in his ability to create digestible, actionable content and coach to it in a gentle but effective way. After having completed his “Structural Creating” seminar I became acutely aware of how my beliefs, thoughts, perceptions and judgements clouded my ability to see things the way they truly are. This new awareness coupled with an application of the tools he provided became the guidebook on how to deepen relationships, mindfully parent, become a more impactful leader and how to realize my goals with greater ease & authenticity.


Das Seminar Geniales Schreiben hat ordentlich an den Festungen meines Schreibverständnisses gerüttelt, und frischen Wind in die verkorksten Hirnwindungen gebracht. Auch dieses Seminar ist ein Knaller für alle, die einen wahrhaften Einblick in das Genie des Schreibens erfahren möchten. Kein Seminar für Menschen, die mit sich auf Kuschelkurs gehen, sprich in den Bahnen der geliebten, bereits hundertfach durchgekauten, vielleicht sogar funktionierenden, Mustern bleiben wollen. (Meine sind arg ins Wanken geraten 🤷🏻‍♀️). Ich tue mein Bestes, und danke dir, Simon, für die strukturierte Art der Herangehensweise an ein, für den Verstand weitgehend unbekanntes Territorium. Unser Schöpfergeist – die Wirklichkeit – hat es nach langer Unterdrückung verdient, entschleiert und befreit zu werden! Jeder Schritt dahin ist ein inneres „Hallelujah“


Rückmeldung zum Seminar Strukturelle Kreativität 1:

“Eine spannende und herausfordernde Reise, auf der wir nicht nur unser kreatives Potential entdecken können, sondern u.a. auch wie unsere Wahrnehmung „funktioniert“ und wie wir unsere Herzenswünsche in unser Leben holen. Simon gelingt es auf geniale Weise sowohl Gefühl, Herz und Verstand anzusprechen. Ich kann dieses „Reise“ von Herzen weiterempfehlen. Danke Simon für dieses wunderbare Training.”


Feedback zum Seminar Strukturelle Kreativität 3

Und die Heldenreise geht weiter und nimmt neue Strukturen an. 💫 4 Tage hintereinander intensiv in die eigenen alten Strukturen einzutauchen, um diese zu verabschieden und dann neue Strukturen zu erschaffen, in kreativen Spannungen zu bleiben, um die Dynamik wahrzunehmen, die Brücke zu bauen und die Vision zu fokussieren. Das war eine erlebnisvolle Reise. Es hat großen Spaß gemacht, mich auf eine weitere Entdeckungsreise zu begeben, um meine Schöpferkraft weiter zu entfalten. 😄 Es ist einfach schön, in einem vertrauensvollen, geschützten Raum diese ganz persönlichen Erfahrungen zu machen. Dafür ein grosses Dankeschön an Dich, Simon und an die Gruppe! 🙏 Ich bin gespannt auf die Meisterschaft – Kurs IV
