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Free Will & Incredible Suffering: A (logical) Paradox?

If you read my article about Free Will & our inherent rights, you might think that does not make a lot of sense: If we are the creators of our circumstances (as the 7 Hermetic Principles such as the ‘Law of Mentalism’ & ‘Law of Correspondence’ imply) and have Free Will about all aspects of our lives:

  1. Why is there such incredible suffering on this planet?
  2. Why are most humans completely unconscious?

If we really had Free Will, it would imply we created our traumas & shit?! Each single one!? If we really had the power of creating our own reality, why would we chose to create suffering?

While that might already be a challenge to consider for oneself, it might be even harder considering really traumatized humans, such as sexually abused & exploited innocent children? Can this be true for them too? How could they possibly have created or even chosen this?

It seems an offence to these victims of extreme abuse to talk of self responsibility and being the creator of one’s circumstances!

And rather egoistic esoteric mambo jambo to rationalize one’s moral relativism and continue living unethically (“thats not my problem, everybody is responsible for themselves, they created their shit”)

Are there limits to what we can create or chose (freely)?

The following article is an attempt to consolidate these paradoxes and address those questions. Important: I am not neglecting the responsibility of perpetrators (and tolerate suffering & evil), nor the divine nature & creative potential of victims. This is NOT esoteric mambo jambo (“all is love” and “there is no evil”) or Moral Relativism (“good is whats good for me”). It is a philosophical exploration to improve (my) understanding and based on Spiritual & Natural Law.
As always think for yourself and let me know your thoughts!

Premises to start with:

Let’s start with a a few (logical) considerations based on Spiritual & Natural Law:

  1. If we are all from the same divine source, we must all have the same rights & potential.
  2. If the right for Free Will exists, it must exist for all and at any moment.
  3. If some of us experience Freedom & Free Will (e.g. awakened Masters), the possibility must exist for all of us.
  4. If Free Will exists but we don’t experience Free Will right now, we must have given our permission (Free Will decision at some point before) to experience that.
  5. If Free Will exists but we are not aware of it (don’t believe it exists), we must have simply forgotten it (be unconscious of it).

Spiritual realms – Where it started

That is where our journey as spiritual being started. (My considerations are based on the reality model of Ruth Huber. For the interested reader I recommend learning more here.) In the spiritual realms, we experience(d) unity consciousness (unconditional love, pure truth, creativity & freedom of choice & expression beyond time & space) before we made decision to incarnate into duality and having this human experience.

The (only?) logical reason to make that choice* initially:

  1. To help human beings (incarnated brothers & sisters)
  2. To learn, explore & create (gain experience)

By definition one can’t know how it is to experience duality and its consequences before one actually experiences it. That is the essence of doing something for the first time: you experience (& possibly learn) something new.

*Important: That choice to participate and incarnate must have been a free will decision, because that’s an immutable Spiritual Law and inherent ‘feature’ of the spiritual realms.

Experiencing Duality for the first time

The nature of duality is that right & wrong exists, which you could say is nothing else than the possibility to divert from truth (= lie) and experience the consequences of that choice = suffering and forgetting (one’s divine nature). (Possibly only by losing and then regaining (spiritual) freedom you get an understanding of what freedom really is about.)

Before actually participating in duality, we could neither possibly understand the nature of duality nor the laws and mechanisms of this game, and therefore also not ‘prepare’ for its consequences. We were innocent and naive (not touched by dualistic experience yet).

By entering the game, we consented to pre-established conditions & rules (what beings had been manifesting collectively till then) without knowing them (if we had we possibly wouldn’t have entered or at least did not enter a state of suffering), e.g.:

  1. Experiencing lies
  2. Experiencing negative emotions
  3. Experiencing violation of rights & property (by not knowing about boundaries)

Lies & Boundaries & negative emotions

We could not (yet) understand the concept of a lie, negative emotions or the need to set boundaries to protect ones property & rights, because in the spiritual realms that was not existent and necessary: there was only truth and no need to set any boundaries.

When we entered duality we encountered other beings (predators), which already had (to a greater or lesser extend) diverted from truth. They approached us to participate in their individual ‘games’, proposing (or imposing) their frameworks, or in other ways approached us with (predatory) offers to gain control over us. (Before you continue reading, please read this article about the nature of offers & agreements to understand how we can end up in agreements we are not even aware of).

A quick recap:

All interactions involving another being are ultimately offers (e.g. relationships, accusations, behaviours, attitudes, mental / astral projections, but also man-made laws & contracts, statutes, policies) and if we consent we are karmically bound (until we renegotiate) in an agreement / contract. The only way to NOT consent to an offer is to say NO (legal offers are different) or to conditionally accept “Yes, but”. It does not even matter, if:

  1. We actually noticed that an offer has been made to us, or
  2. We ignored it

without defined, set & expressed boundaries, we are literally suffering (by tolerating) the consequences.

Black’s Law, 2nd Edition, 1910

Those who make predatory offers count on us saying “yes”, “no”, suffering, or nothing at all, because they get to keep the karmic momentum on their side, but “yes, but” flips the script on them.”

We did not (yet) know:

  • what is right and wrong = what is true / lie
  • how to recognise offers
  • how to fully recognise the related terms of the offer (= full disclosure of terms or not)
  • the intention of the offeror/offender: good / bad faith
  • that we have rights & free choice to accept those offers or not
  • and even if we did, we did not necessarily know how to claim those rights and set boundaries (how to negotiate).

Therefore sooner or later, we consented

  • consciously: e.g. being pressured, threatened, falling pray to a lie or of course voluntarily) or
  • unconsciously: e.g by suffering through a violation of ones boundary/property possibly without even knowing, ignoring an offer or perceiving boundaries as egoistic, or not knowing that agreements can be renegotiated.

to predatory offers being made to us (on a physical, emotional, mental, astral level – think during our dreams), taking us away from autonomy & free will and leading us further & further into dependency & control = diversion from truth.

Example: Imagine being threatened for the first time or realizing that the perceived generous offer for help was actually a lie to trap & abuse you – how would you react? Probably with negative emotions & confusion: either in panic & fear or anger & rage! Leading you to either fight, take revenge & become a perpetrator yourself or flight, freeze & victimhood. Imagine experiencing these emotions for the first time – what must that be for a surprise & shock? So different to the spiritual realms. (That possibly happens as a soul on its way to incarnate in a physical body, as a baby, during dreams – it does not need to be a physical experience.) Being in that situation for the first time, innocent & naive, it seems very improbably that you would consciously act (negotiate resp. set boundaries & claim your free will) missing the knowledge & experience. Which starts the downwards spiral into (more) lies.

Difference between spiritual realms & duality

In duality everything seems inverted & distorted. Whats perceived good is bad, whats perceived bad is good. Whats perceived true is a lie and vice versa.

That means – contrary to the spiritual realms – Free Will & boundaries have to be explicitly expressed & enforced!:

  1. If you don’t set boundaries, you tolerate (implied consent to suffer) others entering your space.
  2. If you don’t express your Free Will & define your game, you consent to play others game.

Forgetting – the consequence of Not knowing the ‘framework’

So by not knowing the ‘rules’, we (un)consciously consented to play others games respectively enabled others to violate our rights & property (by not setting boundaries), which lead us down a spiral away from freedom and into dependency and suffering. At some point forgetting our divine origin & potential and that we have the Free Will to define what game (& how) we want to play (or leave) and that we are causal creators of our life’s experience.

You could say that with every lie we got sucked into & every violation (of not defined boundaries), the filter between us and reality (duality) got denser and denser, leading us to see less and less truth – perceiving lies more and more as real. Manifesting more and more limiting programming, beliefs & self identification in our subconscious mind. Also we had no clue when we consented what the consequences are (how could we if that’s our first experience), what forgetting is & what suffering is.

A vicious cycle: Getting sucked into a lie, confused us, leading us to react (instead of consciously act) probably consenting into more lies & forgetting, leading us further and further away from truth, freedom & free choice. Downward spiralling to the Bottom of David Hawkin’s Scale of Consciousness. The forgetting leading us even to forget existing agreements and counterparties (if you had been conscious of them at some point).

A nice thought model – but whats the relevance?

You could argue that with full knowing, understanding of the framework of duality (recognising lies & untruthful intentions and setting boundaries), we would have entered with fully established boundaries and not consented to any untruthful games. And through that could have participated in duality, still fully connected to our essence, freedom of choice, full divine potential & memory – The Top of David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness.

You might argue this is not possible? But what about awakened masters, which either incarnated fully awakened or awakened even during their lives? So it is possible! And if each of us is of the same divine origin, and has the same divine potential, that must be possible for anyone.

Whats different between them & US?

You could say it is ‘just’ their reality filter, their absence of programming, their level of understanding = their level of consciousness). They are (partially) free of negative programming (through not consenting into lies) by either incarnating & remaining in that purity of mind or regaining it during their lifetime(s). If fully awakened means remembering our divine origin & potential, it is nothing to be ‘produced’ or ‘achieved’ but rather about removing our (limiting) filter. Which by definition is a (theoretical) possibility for each one of us.

The obstacle to remember

However, depending on the amount of lies and devaluation we already have experienced, we might be already totally unconscious of our potential and origin. So we might not even have the belief or interest in (re)gaining Free Choice:


Some might consciously not want to regain their connection & freedom. Especially those governing this negatively polarized reality. They are addicted to power & control and have no empathic understanding & desire and within this sociopathic & psychopathic mindset also no ability to grasp what they are missing out on.


From that point of view being the creator of ones circumstances, self responsibility, power & potential, appears like a punch in the face. So much trauma clouding the view to ones origin. So tragic that is, this trauma & belief, ultimately separates one from (re)claiming that. Emotions & Thoughts are very real when you experience them, although they are not real from a higher perspective as they don’t define you.

And depending on the amount of trauma, you might not believe anymore in your origin & potential and rely on others help to heal. Resulting in you at some point believing that you don’t have free choice, that you are a victim of circumstances, that you don’t have the power to create. Projecting that on to the world, and experiencing more of that further (re)confirming your belief & self identification. Our reality is holographic (‘Law of Correspondence’) and belief creates reality (‘Law of Mentalism’). So if you believe you are a victim & have no powers that is what you (re-)experience. = A perpetuum mobile.


That means anytime you experienced a violation of your rights (which led you towards lies & forgetting), you either did not express what you want: Affirmation – You have to express your LAW! or you did not express / define what you dont want: Boundary

You probably not even understood what you consented to by NOT setting boundaries.

Its not our fault – we are not guilty – though each one carries the responsibility for their circumstances: the perpetrator for entering onces boundaries & violating rights & property and the victim to tolerate the suffering.

We did NOT chose to create it, but we permitted it by entering the game without knowing the consequences. A BIG difference. Im not saying YOU CREATED your shit, but you permitted someone else doing that to you by not setting boundaries (you didnt know you needed them – you were innocent).

Further considerations

Collective human consciousness: Majority “dictates” conditions for all to some extent as we mostly act like emotional and mental children and therefore are property of our parents without free will. Thats how the elite considers it and treats us.

Boundaries: Fully awakened & realized souls might not need boundaries anymore, because they transcended the illusion of duality and see everything as a reflection of them.

How to claim Free Choice & Freedom again?

Depending on where one is on the scale between Control & Freedom that might be more or less simple.

In order to experience Freedom & Free Will in duality we must basically learn:

  1. Awareness: Differentiate between lie & true. Which includes de-identifying from one’s thoughts & emotions, as they are not describing objective truth.
  2. Affirmations: Define what you want & express that explicitly (that can be verbally, energetically, mentally)
  3. Boundaries: Define what you don’t want & express that explicitly

First of all you need to want Freedom & Free Choice

Depending on your level of programming you might not even want that, believe its relevant or possible! And that is to be accepted too (Free Choice is to be accepted even if its from a complete unconscious perspective and perpetuating suffering, there is no point where you can overwrite that because one knows better).

Or you might not believe that is possible because you are so deep in trauma that you might need healing & outside support. In a nutshell thats your belief system / your filter making you identify with the experience instead of having the experience.

Note: Paradoxically, from one view thoughts & emotions are not real and just an illusionary belief (because you are divine & perfect at your core). However that belief might appear so real as you perceive your human vehicle as your identity, that therapy and healing is required first to understand that it was you having an experience not about defining who you are.

Thoughts & Emotions are not real – just human experience. However, that human experience can be very real indeed and only acknowledging and setting those feelings free leads you to remember that you are not your human experience. Quite a paradoxy to wrap ones head around.

Understanding of your rights & divine origin

Know and understand who you truly are, and the laws & mechanisms that govern this reality. You are a powerful creator, causal for all aspects of your reality. You can read more about this here. If you don’t believe you are, that is a self fulfilling prophecy.

Free choice

Regain Free Choice by waking up to your Higher Self and from the programming (= lies) you got to belief (limiting beliefs) about you and the world.

That can mean reprogramming your mind with the truth or in other words removing the reality filter, step by step, by becoming more conscious of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. And understanding where they come from and that they dont define you.

Define, from a Higher Self perspective, who you are and what you really want. The goal of YOUR game.

not even aware of agreements anymore – you need to know what you renegotiate and with hom!


Withdraw your (un)conscious consent to participate in other’s untruthful games. And set clear boundaries of what you tolerate and what not. Establish values you live by. And NOT tolerate evil, which perpetuates suffering on this world. Help others, to free themselves.

A thought model: For every frequency that exists, you might possibly need a boundary to literally be free. However that seems like an impossible task, the good thing is that our triggers are usually our weak spot, so life tends to reflect to us where we need to look at next.

However, at some point you might even not need or want boundaries anymore, because you transcended the illusion of separation and therefore are not prone to predatory offers anymore.

(I will write an article about boundaries, what they are, and how to define them in a future article)

The tricky thing is to wake up to all the agreements and contracts you have been entering into during this (or previous) lifetimes. However, most important is to know that at the origin you are free.


Provided, that you are a divine being and creator, and free will is at the core of reality, you are only suffering because you previously consented to it (unknowing the consequences). That means you are creating your lifes experience. And if that is suffering right now, you created it (unconsciously). But that also means that you can create freedom.

Compassion & help

While others are responsible for their lives always, many might not have the belief (or strength) in themselves anymore, and require compassion and help to move up and out and regain that connection, knowing and belief in their origin and potential.

IT DOES NOT MEAN SELF PRESERVATION, a la “I do whats good for me”. It’s about realising our collective responsibility.

I am aware that this can be a life long journey (possibly even multiple life times). However, just the knowing that you have Free Will about all aspects of your life if you have fully established boundaries (because nothing in this reality can happen against your free will) and being able to argue that logically to your mind removes programming and aspects of the filter.

Let’s schedule a free 30 min ‘Discovery Call’ today!