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Happiness is a bad Goal

First of all you cant make happiness. Happiness is not a product you can manufacture. You can be happy. Happiness is a temporary feeling, but a bad goal to aim at. A fixation on happiness implies that other feelings are not ok. It keeps you in a superficial experience as you to some extent identify […]

‘The Law of Success’ by the Indian sage Yogananda

Blog Yogananda

I just read the little book ‘The Law of Success’ by the Indian monk, yogi and guru P. Yogananda. It is truly wonderful as it condenses the path to Self Realization, what true success means & how to achieve it – and what really a fulfilled life is all about. All in such simple, short but truly powerful premises! (Although simple they surely take a life time (or many) to master). I paraphrase these premises below and add my take on it. Enjoy!!