Let’s Play

Creativity – a topic for young children? Playing – useless pastime? Not if you want to experience ‘life’. Life ‘is’ a game Creativity is the essence of life. Everything we experience is nothing but a game. Consciousness that in manifold and incomprehensible ways reinvents itself again and again, and finds expression through each one of […]

Free Will – A Journey of Discovery!

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“Education should aim at destroying Free Will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished.” Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell. Free Will seems dangerous, especially to authorities? Before we discuss, why that could be the case, let’s see first what it means and what it is. “Free Will is the ability to act and make choices independent of any outside influence.” That leads to a couple of questions: Where do our actions emerge from? Why does this even matter? Do we have resp. can we gain authority about that process? What means outside influence? Its common sense that our actions determine our results. Wherever we are in life is a function of our actions (or lack thereof). And better decisions lead to better actions, which equate to better results. But where do our decisions emerge from? They are seemingly a function of what we think & feel. Which seems to put a lot of importance on what and how we think!

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