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Education: ‘The Art of Creating’

This education conveyes the Mastery of the Creative Process and is made up of 3 elements – workshops, group training & coaching – which complement each other as follows:

  • Curriculum with 5 workshops: Introduction of and immersion into Creative Principles.
  • Group Training: Deepen & consistently integrate your understanding in community.
  • 1:1 Coaching: Laser-focused & 100% individualized support in unfolding your unique potential.

A) Curriculum: 5 Workshop

Life is a Journey – the greatest of all: the ‘Hero’s Journey’!

The workshops serve the immersion into the creative (re)orientation as well as the introduction of contents & principles for self-awareness. The 4 workshops build on each other.

The Art of Creating 1: Principles of Creating

foundational course with introduction to the basic principles of creativity, intuition and reality design. To connect you with your creative potential and to provide you with techniques that enable you to shape your life self-determined & creatively and to set yourself & what you really care about free in your life sustainably.


  • Scope: Approx. 24 hours
  • Price*/**: CHF 1000(Graduates receive a permanent 50% discount)
  • More information & registration: Here.

For those who are interested in going deeper, there are 4 more advanced workshops (see below) that complete the curriculum:

The Art of Creating 2: Principles of Alchemy

An advanced training in the art of creative life alignment, designed to further open creative consciousness and self-awareness. Based on a deeper understanding of the essential principles of alchemical transformation, the workshop provides a model for sustainably overcoming ego-based (limited) thinking & behavior and acting on a genius & creatively inspired level of consciousness.


  • Scope: 5 days and approx. 35 hours
  • Prerequisite: Completion of ‘The Art of Creating 1’.
  • Price*/**: CHF 1’000
  • More information & registration: Here.

The Art of Creating 3: Principles of Leadership

This advanced training teaches the determinants of success and failure, as well as the fundamentals of facilitating human transformation and coaching. This training reveals ‘structure’ as the true determinant of all the outcomes we experience in life and teaches participants not only how to identify the structures that underlie what is not working in their lives, but also how to approach everything they create in their lives in a way that guarantees success. In order to express their potential more fully!


  • Scope: 4 days and approx. 30 hours
  • Prerequisite: Completion of ‘The Art of Creating 1’.
  • Price*/**: CHF 1’000
  • More information & registration: Here.

The Art of Creating 4: Principles of Mastery

This advanced training will equip you to master the human journey, which means having a conscious & strategic overview of your own consciousness and creating structures of consciousness that enable you to live in alignment with your purpose.

It is suitable for anyone who wants to understand ‘The Art of Creating’ as an integrated system for empowered creation in a sustainable way. And / or (want to) accompany or coach other people in a transformative way. Mastery.


  • Scope: 4 days and approx. 30 hours
  • Prerequisite: Completion of ‘The Art of Creating 2 or 3’.
  • Price*/**: CHF 1’000
  • More information & registration: Here.

The Art of Creating 5: Principles of Writing

Genius writing means that you have written something inspiring, something that has been brilliantly expressed, something that has captivated readers with the originality of your content and style, something that deeply touches your audience. Genius writing is a turbo for your creative development and strengthens your awareness and connection with yourself. We will uncover your writing genius and in particular learn that there is no such thing as writer’s block.


  • Scope: 2 days and approx. 18 hours
  • Prerequisite: Completion of ‘The Art of Creating 1’.
  • Price*/**: CHF 500
  • More information & registration: Here.

B) Group Training

The group trainings serve the integration & deepening of the contents introduced in the workshops. To enable a deeper understanding and to internalize the creative orientation more and more. Community and regular exchange with other like-minded people is an equally important part of this offer! Because together, creative expression is simply even more fun 😍

The challenge is not to wake up, but to stay awake. So we set & sharpen our focus again and again for the essential, ’emerge’ together from the sea of limiting assumptions 😉 and ‘climb’ the summit of our creative genius to unfold & create – always with a new view & context – what we truly are & love step by step in our lives.

  • Scope: 2x monthly max 1.5 hours
  • Prerequisite: Completion of ‘The Art of Creating 1’.
  • Price*/**: Recommended price is 50 CHF per training.
  • Registration: If you are interested, write me a message below.

C) Coaching ‘The Art of Creating’

While the workshops are about introducing (new) context & principles and the group trainings are about internalizing them together, the coaching focuses on only one thing: You.

It is about your individual support in the unfolding of your potential. And about manifesting your truth, your true end results – as a mirror of your true nature. Effectively and efficiently. And to enable you to live your true nature and purpose and become the dominant creative force in your life.

  • Scope: 2x month coaching. In addition, participation in all events of the offer ‘The Art of Creating’ (workshops & group trainings) is included for the duration of the coaching. (Of course, participation is voluntary. However, this combination has proven to be successful).
  • Prerequisite: The completion of ‘The Art of Creating 1’. Also, a collaboration of at least 3 months so that we can bring your creative horsepower “to the ground” in a sustainable way!
  • Price: 1’500 CHF for 3 months
  • Registration: If you are interested, write me a message below.

* Scholarship: For me, the topic of finances reflects how well we deal with our resources, value and focus. Through this curriculum I want to inspire your imagination for a fulfilled life, also materially. How should this arise in the world if we do not create or allow it? Since this can now still be a challenge, I offer scholarships in justified cases. If you are interested in my offer, write me in any case – we will find a solution.
** Money-back guarantee: For all advanced workshops I offer a money-back guarantee. If you do not want to continue after day 1, I will refund the full price. The only condition: Active participation until then.


I look forward to your registration for workshops, group training or coaching.

If you have any questions about my offer, just write me too.

I am looking forward to getting to know you! 😃💪

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