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Surprise – Your Core Assumptions Need To Be Shattered

Over the last years I learned from many teachers and mentors. And I am incredibly grateful that I made the leap to put my pride aside (I believed I knew quite a lot) to then soon recognize my illusory sense of superiority. What all past and present mentors have in common, they challenged my basic […]

Your View Point doesn’t Matter – that’s Why it Matters

“The ability to observe without judgment is the highest form of intelligence.” Jiddu Krishnamurti This gaze is probably not entirely non-judgmental, you definitely feel observed. Your View Point doesn’t matter But seriously – freedom is beyond your own point of view. We have one, but we are not it. Prison is the identification with your […]

“Love Your Enemies”

That’s what they say. Your biggest enemy? Probably you So love him / her = yourself. But what does ‘love’ mean? Accepting you as you are. Unconditionally. Your whole package. With all your quirks, dramas and imperfections, but also with all your gifts, talents and qualities. That doesn’t mean you have to find yourself ‘good’ […]

The weak-willed Spirits that I called

“It’s selfish to do what you want.”“How can you be so egoic.”“Look at the world, everyone just does what they want.”“Let go of your will and you will be free.”“Not everyone can do what they want.“ This or something similar echoes through the vastness of our society. The spiritual gurus teach the abandonment of will. […]

Die willensschwachen Geister die ich rief

“Es ist egoistisch zu tun was du willst.““Wie kannst du nur so egoistisch sein.”“Schau die Welt an, jeder tut nur was er will.““Lass deinen Willen los, und du wirst frei.““Nicht jeder kann tun was er will.“ So oder so ähnlich schallt es durch die Weiten unserer Gesellschaft. Die spirituellen Gurus unterrichten die Aufgabe des Wollens. […]

Macht und Erfolg: Jeder will sie – wenige haben sie

Macht und Erfolg – jeder will sie. Nur wenige wissen, was es bedeutet. Noch weniger haben sie. Lass uns zunächst klären, was Macht und Erfolg NICHT sind: Es gibt eine große Gruppe von Menschen, die diesen Definitionen von Macht und Erfolg nachjagen, und einige erreichen sie. Aber sie haben weder wahre Macht noch Erfolg. Eine […]

Power and Success: All want it – Few have it

Power and Success – everyone wants it. Very few know what it means. Even less have it. Let’s clarify first what Power and Success are NOT: There is a large group of people chasing these definitions of Power and Money, some indeed get it. Though they neither have true power nor success. Another group of […]

Du bist nicht dein Geist – Du hast einen Geist

Du bist nicht dein Geist – Du hast einen Geist. Lass das auf dich wirken. Es ist eine kraftvolle Aussage. Mit befreienden Implikationen. Du bist nicht das, was du denkst, fühlst, glaubst, wahrnimmst oder erlebst. Dein Geist ist lediglich ein Werkzeug. Und wie jedes Werkzeug funktioniert er nur so gut, wie du ihn nutzt. Oft […]

You are not the Mind – You have a Mind

You are not the mind. You have a mind. Let that sink in. It’s a powerful statement. With liberating implications. You are not what you think, feel, believe, perceive or experience. The mind is simply a tool. And as for any tool, it only works as good as you use it. Often you hear that […]

Stop the Drivel – STOP IT

We live in unpredictable times…We live in unprecedented times…We live in chaotic times…We live in times of upheaval…We are living in bad times… When I read articles, comments and reports that start like this (and there are countless of them), I stop reading. Someone is writing who has no idea, is panicking, creating a mood, […]